Bachelor of 艺术 in Journalism

Develop your talent for reporting, writing 和 presenting information across print, 广播, 电视和网络 Bachelor of 艺术 in Journalism in the Lew Klein College of 媒体 和 Communication at 威尼斯赌场网站. Gain on-the-ground experience covering a wide range of subjects, from community meetings 和 political events to music 和 sports. 掌握严谨的报道技巧,讲述引人入胜的故事,突出不同的声音和观点.

Rooted in liberal arts studies, 新闻专业旨在增加你的知识广度,这样你就可以制作可信和细致入微的新闻. By combining urban community journalism with multimedia storytelling, this bachelor’s 程序 makes Philadelphia an extension of the classroom. You will explore the inner workings of the city 和 its neighborhoods, 用你新发现的专业知识为我们的学生新闻网站做贡献, Philadelphia Neighborhoods.

无论你的职业抱负是为在线还是印刷媒体创作内容, documenting international events for a major news media company, or reporting from election headquarters, 你将成为一个充满活力的故事讲述者,提供准确及时的信息,吸引观众.

Journalism students setting up a shoot at Philadelphia City Hall.

Why study journalism at Temple?

  • 我们的 renowned degree 程序: Klein College’s journalism 程序 offers students a high-quality, 在全国最大的媒体市场之一的中心提供负担得起的教育. After four years in the 程序, 学生准备进入他们的职业生涯与必要的知识和技能,在世界上的尖端新闻蓬勃发展.
  • 无穷无尽的机会在天普的学习为学生提供了广泛学科的独特机会, as well as various field experiences 和 internships. From taking advantage of Temple’s connections, events 和 location in the largest college town in the nation, to forging their way into the media industry in 和 around Philadelphia, 坦普尔大学新闻专业的学生可以使用无数的工具和资源,这使他们能够充分利用他们的教育,创造宝贵的大学经历.

类 & 课程

124学分的新闻文学学士包括核心课程,确保你毕业时拥有各种各样的才能, from reporting 和 writing to video production 和 basic web design. 专注于一个领域来发展你的特殊优势,或者探索这个项目的强大功能. 

Among the courses in this degree 程序 are the following.

  • Audio/Visual 新闻gathering

  • 为记者设计

  • 新闻与社会

  • 的 Practice 和 Process of 新闻

  • 写作与报告

Students are also required to complete a 顶石的经验, 为一家地区新闻媒体报道费城那些不为人知、服务不足的社区.

Learn more about courses 和 requirements for the 新闻专业的.

+ 1: 研究生 with a master’s in five years.

获得学士学位 新闻学硕士 degrees in a total of five years with our + 1 程序. In this accelerated 程序 of study, 本科生在大四开始学习研究生水平的新闻学课程, 同时满足学士学位和硕士学位的要求. 

+ 1 程序 is also open to students outside of the journalism major, 让他们将自己的学术兴趣与多媒体新闻课程相结合,为他们在数字和传统媒体领域的任何职位做好准备, 和更多的.


联系 the following faculty member with more questions about this 程序.
洛根莫利纽克斯 是项目主管吗?.

Minor in Journalism, Society 和 文化

提高你的批判性思维能力,对复杂的全球媒体系统有更深入的了解. Learn about the political, 经济, 文化和社会问题是新闻在当代公共生活中角色的基础. For students aspiring to careers in a range of fields such as law, 教育与政治, 这门辅修课程为新闻如何影响生活的各个方面提供了有价值的视角. You also will exp和 your knowledge around photography 和 video, 研究, web development 和 writing. Learn more about this minor.


卡洛琳Kitch is the 程序 contact for this minor. 
电话: 215-204-5077


You can focus on Journalism or you can take the following concentration.

  • International Communication

    威尼斯赌场网站专业(ICC)的学生将获得国际和跨文化交流和媒体的理论和实践教育. A unique opportunity for Klein students, 该计划允许您通过反思自己的文化镜头获得文化敏感性和跨文化交际的技能和知识. 参加ICC课程的学生通过国际和跨文化导向的课程获得不同视角的启发. 的 程序 is offered on our domestic campuses, but students can supplement some coursework while studying abroad.

    View Concentration Details

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, 文学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including 程序 degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

的se tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $19,728.00 /年
州外: $34,176.00 /年

学生俱乐部 & 组织

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